Why is so difficult to perform precision soldering?
Precision Soldering is difficult because as said by Mr. John Schmidt “It takes practice with some knowledge”. Without experience or full knowledge we can’t do anything. So, get full knowledge and required skills about soldering then you can perform any kind of soldering. Remember “Practice makes the man perfect”, so keep practising.
Soldering is a skill. You can’t expect to be good at it right away. Precision soldering is just smaller. Here are a few pointers:
- Use plenty of flux, re-apply flux if you have previously applied heat.
- Use a good soldering iron, with the correct tip that is in good condition.
- Ensure all surfaces are cleaned, fluxed, tinned, and fluxed in preparation.
- Be confident, don’t dither, apply flux, apply heat, apply solder remove heat.
Precision soldering relies on the following:
-stable work fixtures, good lighting and magnification if necessary
-properly cleaned & prepared substrates, pads, vias, traces, etc.
- soldering irons idling in correct heat range
-tips which are of appropriate size & shape, frequently wiped to remove contaminants
-micro-gauge solder; alloy & flux to be compatible for the work at hand
-steady hands.
Rarely do I observe all attributes at the same work station; This is an art. Newly released temperature controlled station for precision soldering